Monday, March 18, 2019

My Secondary Roll-off Roof Over My Observing Deck

A while back I added an 8x8 foot observing deck to the side of my roll-off roof observatory.
It became apparent that more needed to be done to make it useable year round (as we have a lot of snow in the winter months that even make moving the main observatory roof nearly impossible to move.)
After much thought (and a few trips to my local Ace Hardware store) this is what I came up with.
Positioning this new roll-off roof under the supporting beams that hold up the main observatory roll-off roof, I was able to construct this for about $225 for materials.
I am not a carpenter or a mechanic (nor am I an athlete) so the plan was simple as was the construction and the operation.
Perhaps you will get some ideas from my project and make your own without having to spend $1,000 to do it!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me in the "comment" section below.

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